Chapel of
the Holy Spirit, Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts USA
Russell & Co., Cambridgeport, Vermont, Op.
Console by P.&S. Organ Supply Ltd., Great
article from The American Organist
The organ
at Assumption College was originally built in 1966 by the Wicks Organ
Co. for the Assumption Preparatory School, Worcester. It was given
to the college in 1970 when the school closed and installed in organ
chambers in the front of the chapel. This installation of 18 ranks
soon proved inadequate. Wicks was again called to redesign the organ
in 1975. An economical organ case was built to improve the tonal egress,
and the instrument was expanded to 23 ranks. This was a significant
improvement but the small instrument was still unable to meet the challenges
of the college music program. Subsequently, Bob Morrell and then Theodore
Gilbert & Associates were employed over the ensuing ten years to
rescale and revoice much of the pipework and to expand the instrument
to 27 ranks. Tonally,
the instrument represents what is best described as the logical extension
of the "American Classic" concept into the late 20th century.
Complete principal choruses based on a strong 8' line, coupled with
a of colorful flutes, mutations, and chorus reeds in the French tradition,
work together to create a versatile and vibrant instrument well suited
to a wide variety of organ literature. |
16 |
Pommer | |
8 |
Principal | |
8 |
Rohrflöte | |
8 |
Flûte Harmonique | |
4 |
Octave | |
4 |
Nachthorn | |
2 |
Super Octave | |
IV |
Mixture | |
Scharff | |
16 |
Bombarde | |
8 |
Trompete | |
8 |
State Trumpet | |
16 |
Lieblich Gedeckt | |
8 |
Geigen Principal | |
8 |
Gedeckt | |
8 |
Viole | |
8 |
Voix Céleste (tc) | |
8 |
Spitzflöte | |
8 |
Spitzflöte Céleste | |
4 |
Principal | |
4 |
Koppelflöte | |
2 2/3 |
Nazard | |
2 |
Flachflöte | |
1 3/5 |
Tierce | |
V |
Plein Jeu | |
16 |
Contre Hautbois | |
8 |
Hautbois | |
8 |
Voix Humaine | |
8 |
Trompette | |
4 |
Clairon | |
8 |
State Trumpet | |
Tremulant | ||
8 |
Principal | |
8 |
Bourdon | |
4 |
Principal | |
4 |
Rohrflöte | |
II |
Sesquialtera (tc) | |
2 |
Octave | |
1 1/3 |
Larigot | |
1 |
Sifflet | |
IV |
Cymbale | |
16 |
Cromorne | |
8 |
Trompete | |
8 |
State Trumpet | |
Tremulant | ||
32 |
Contre Bourdon | |
32 |
Gedeckt Pommer | |
16 |
Subbass | |
16 |
Pommer | |
16 |
Principal | |
8 |
Principal | |
8 |
Gedecktbass | |
8 |
Salicional | |
8 |
Pommer | |
4 |
Choral Bass | |
4 |
Pommer | |
IV |
Mixture | |
32 |
Harmonics | |
16 |
Bombarde | |
16 |
Posaune | |
16 |
Contre Hautbois | |
8 |
Trompette | |
8 |
Trompete | |
4 |
Trompete | |
4 |
Cromorne | |
8 |
State Trumpet | |
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